On Monday November 22nd 2021, The Chicago area "winter season" officially begun as we experienced single digit wind chills. If you are in the datacenter industry, it is time to create travel plans to flock south! Please join us at the inaugural ETCA Golf Outing on Tuesday February 1st at Hawk's Landing Golf Course located at Orlando World Center Marriott in sunny Florida!
This outing is meant to provide premier data center networking opportunities to catch up with old/new colleagues, partners, and customers. Attending this outing will be data center operators, engineering/consulting firms, small business owners, large scale manufacturers and many more.
A special shout out to the organizations that already pre-booked sponsorships.
Our EVENT Sponsor is already sold out to Chekhub, Jon Trout, Sanjay Patel, and Ashley T. - Thank you!
Luncheon Sponsor is Gordon Incorporated
Golf Cart Sponsor is Executive Construction Inc.
John Daly Drink Hole Sponsor is T5 Data Centers
Yeti Closest to the Pin is McCollister's Technical Services
Hole Sponsor Fiber Data Warehouse
Please join us and reach out with any questions - This is a two day event with a Happy Hour on January 31st followed by the golf outing on February 1st.
I'm proud to be putting this outing together with industry leaders Bill Winsininski, CDCP of Cofluence, LLC and Todd Trader of Golf Invite, Inc.
Look forward to seeing everyone there! You can register at golfinvite.net/etca